Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Magic in the Air - the return flight from Calgary to Victoria

leaving Calgary...
I had a wonderful 10 days in Calgary this December, between the last day of classes, and the day the students had to write the Crim Law midterm.  That was an adventure in itself, already reported on by Arta on the Larchhaven blog. 

The flight home to Victoria (via Vancouver) was something else.  One of those rare days where the clouds were sparse, and the terrain was laid out below like a blanket.  All I could say was, "Wow" (and keep snapping photos on my phone).  So... here they are, for me to remember (including that the view is through the window of an airplane!)

And so we arrive in Vancouver...

And now back into the air for the 14 minute flight from Vancouver to Victoria
And yes, those are little islands under the clouds

And a (blurry) return to Victoria!

1 comment:

  1. Yes to that beautiful flight.

    Might as well snap pics as one's eyes are going to be glued to the window anyway.

    Did the air in Victoria smell as sweet as you remembered?
