Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Walking at Caddy Bay with Mary - April 14

Tonight, my sister Mary and I headed off to Cadboro Bay with the Penny the wonderdog, for a bit of outdoor time.  

We were too late to get back into the hospital to spend more time with Arta, who is in the RJH palliative care ward, recovering from the pancreatic cancer related bowel obstruction solved by the endoscopic retrograde gastro-jejunostomy surgical procedure... that's a mouthful! 

Since it was after hours, and they preferred that we wait til morning, we decided we might as well move our bodies.   

It was just at sunset.  

The air smelled glorious.  

The photos are lovely, but do not capture the colour palette that our eyes saw, which was even more heavily saturated with the palest of pinks, blues and lavender.

Mary testing to see if the water is colder or warmer in Arbutus Cove or Caddy Bay

Here is a photo essay to share later with Arta.  

These are all places she has walked before. 

And we are hoping there will be time to walk these places again. 

But til now... here are some images...

Mary tells me i am wrong... it is NOT warmer in Caddy Bay (at least not in the evening)

The moon hanging below the branches of a Garry Oak

Penny pulling on the leash, hoping to join the ducks out on the water

We wonder who hung this swing on the tree?  

There is something wonderful about sitting on a washed up Cedar log, looking out at the ocean

Lights popping on as the evening drops


  1. Beautiful words and images -- I love that you were at the water at such a powerful time of day. Medicine for you and your sister.

    1. Thanks you! Medicine indeed (i often take joy in the water images that populate your feed...the gift that is this territory, both land and water)

  2. Thanks for the update on auntie. Did not even know she was sick. Give her big hugs from me and tell her what a amazing women she is and that I love her. Love you all too! Cam

    1. Hello dear cousin. Things have been moving so fast that there has been no time to really say much. Arta is still reading the family blog, and others are posting things there than you might want to read along with (ie. 80 things we love about Arta.... in honour of her posting last year of 80 things on turning 80 years old). check it out:

  3. I think you should have let Penny have her lead. You could have had duck for supper.
