Friday, June 4, 2021

A drive to Sidney by the Sea with Arta, Wyona and Bonnie

Wyona and Arta (a scarf to keep off the breeze)
On Thursday, the forecast was a for a beautiful day, with showers ahead for the weekend.   

Given that both Bonnie and Wyona were here, it seemed the perfect day to try out the new wheelchair (thanks, Red Cross!) and take the crew out to Sidney by the Sea.  

We drove the slow way out, taking West Saanich Road all the way out to Lands End, and then doubling back to downtown Sidney.  That road is just taking a bath in forest green.   I wish in hindsight that I had stopped to take photos along the way, but you will just have to trust me that it was so beautiful. 

One bird per perch!

And after an adventure in green, it was time for an adventure in blue.  Here are some shots of our adventures (which really involved me taking photos of the water, Wyona taking photos of seagulls, and Bonnie taking photos of Arta and Art (the waterfront is marvellously populated with public art). So... in no particular order, her are some photos from our trip.

I note here that I have a new camera, with an actually zoom lens, and so it was possible to get a better picture of Mount Baker looming in the background (yes, it is a stratovolcano, which last erupted in 1880). 

Can you see Mount Baker in the background?

I like the bird checking out the mountain

Even if the mountain is huge, it was also somewhat misty against the skyline

Now the next photos were taken by Wyona, as we were walking along the pier.   She was busy sneaking up on the seagulls, to get some action shots.

As always, one of us is always taking a photo of someone taking a photo!

I wondered what the two birds were both looking at.  something tasty?

Wyona got some great action shots.... mostly because she was busy sneaking up on the birds.

Bonnie and Rebecca are missing the action going on behind them
Both Bonnie and the bird turning their backs on Wyona's shenanigans

One highlight of our trip came at the very end.... when our next door neighbour pointed out that there was a rainbow 'splatter' in the sky above our house.  He was right!   I am sure there is a name for this phenomenon, but this is the first time I have seen something like this in a sky with no hint of a raincloud.

the rainbow seems to have almost emerged from our chimney

I also like the while cloud 'combed' overtop of the rainbow splatter


  1. I read your blog with great interest. I have loved and followed you children's growth for over fifty years I am in the ebbs of my time and I wanted you to know how I feel about your mother. I love her so much and she is a sister to me always...Gloria.

  2. I feel like I was there. Actually, I'm just saying that to trick myself into not being jealous that I wasn't there. What a great trip. I appreciate all the seagull photos -- I am the only person I know who loves seagulls and will admit to them being one of my favourite birds of all time.

  3. Also, the rainbow splatter is amazing. I have never seen anything like that before either.

  4. Also the photo of both the bird and bonnie turning their backs on Wyona -- I laughed so hard. To me, it looks like the bird is sneaking up on Bonnie.

  5. Very lovely footage (nothing beats a good camera, except perhaps a very engaging commentary) and that rainbow at the end, so emblematic. Thank you for sharing 💕

  6. I loved sneaking up on those seagulls, one on every post. Sneak, sneak and see how close one can get before they fly away.

  7. I loved sneaking up on those seagulls, one on every post. Sneak, sneak and see how close one can get before they fly away.

  8. Such a lovely trip to have taken! Are our personalities reflected in the pictures we take? Perhaps. Wyona, it would be an amazing painting if you did a watercolour of the bird taking off with its wing span extended like your picture. An incredible capture! I am like Mary, wishing I was there. Love, Tonia

  9. Will be looking for more rainbow splatters in the sky.
